Blue Door
Pediatric Therapy, P.C.
Helping Families
One Child at a Time

Occupational Therapy Services
Blue Door Pediatric Therapy's Occupational Therapy Program helps children improve function and promote development to be more independent in their homes, schools and communities. Our Occupational Therapists use play, therapeutic activities, and special techniques to develop motor sensory, visual, attention and decision-making skills so children can be successful in their world. We have access to and experience with the most current technology and incorporate social media tools to educate and connect with our families. At Blue Door Pediatric Therapy, we strongly believe in consistent communication with the families in order to help the child and his/her parents review what was practiced in the treatment sessions and understand home programs to be completed between sessions. We also know how important it is to see the child, therefore, we make it a top priority to collaborate with the other professionals (e.g. SLP, PT, IEP team) that are working with your child.
- Adaptive and assistive technology recommendations
- Autism
- Assistance with emotional development
- Coordination and motor planning exercises (how your child can plan and execute motor movements)
- Dressing Skills
- Feeding skills
- Fine motor skills such as cutting, coloring, etc.
- Handwriting skills
- Neuro-Developmental Treatment (NDT)
- Proprioception and body awareness (how your child moves in space and adapts to different environments)
- Sensory integration
- Strength and endurance training Joint range of motion and soft tissue mobilizations